Though every woman should take responsibility for her own uterus, a study by the National Journal of Common Sense shows that men play an essential roll in creating babies. So why aren’t men responsible for popping baby stoppers religiously, getting painful monthly injections or maneuvering their Nuvarings? Sure, they’ll ride the Trojans for safety, but shouldn’t birth control concern men a little more? If the threat of child support isn’t enough, what about the wrath of a jaded, hormonal pregnant woman?
Doctors have been tempting us for years with promises of male birth control. Monthly injections of testosterone undecanoate in tea seed oil appear to be very effective in Chinese trials. What are we waiting for, FDA? Shoot ‘em up, already!

Of course, a majority of you city girls prefer the most fulfilling form of birth control. Abstinence.
Heh. But for the rest of you, would you trust guys with this responsibility? Guys can’t remember to put down the toilet seat, and you know they hate regular doctor's appointments. My vote is NO. I’ll dodge some responsibilities: mouse trapping; dishwashing; parallel parking, but I’ll oversee the baby-stopping, thank you! Since men are off the hook when it comes to taking birth control, SHOULD YOUR GUY SPLIT THE BILL FOR THE PILL?
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