I don’t know when the big day is, where it will be, or what colors we’ll wear. What I do know, is I need to make a vow to get in shape.
Time to start working out in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, as long as the rolls shall live.
I DO have ab flab. * I DO want to lose it. * I DO have at least 8 months to trim down. * I DO NOT KNOW HOW.
Ever make the mistake of sharing a pet peeve with someone who thinks it’s funny? Ya know, the kind of jerk who brings it up every time you see each other; tells people about it; won’t let you forget it? Maybe it's better to suffer alone.
Nah, maybe not. I’m not particularly peevy, but there are a few things that drive me crazy.
"Same thing we do every day, Pinky..."